Coastal Gardens

Coastal Gardening Book – Intro – Chapters: – 1234567891011121314151617CreditsIndex
Feature gardens: Prospect CottageTrescoAbbotsburyRBG SydneyBodnantMadeira BG Brookgreen

Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens, Dorset 66–8, 100, 102, 138
Abelia x grandiflora 167
Abutilon (flowering or Indian mallow) 135, 170
Acacia (wattle) 123
Acanthus mollis 90
access to gardens 39
platanoides (Norway maple)‘Drummondii’ 123
pseudoplatanus (sycamore) 27
Aconitum japonicum (monkshood) 177
Actinidia kolomikta 167
Adam’s needle 74, 183
Aeonium 103
arboreum 40
glandulosum 90
African lily 30, 35, 183
African marigold 184
Agapanthus (African lily) 30, 35, 183
americana ‘Variegata’ (variegated century plant) 35, 148
parryi 105
Ageratum houstonianum (flossflower) 35, 154
Ajuga reptans (bugle) 161
hollandicum (ornamental onion) 187
sativum (garlic) 95
schoenoprasum (chives) 95
Aloe 103, 104, 105
Amaranthus tricolor (tampala) 103
Anemone 179
annuals and bedding plants 150–7
Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) 156
apples 97
aquatic plants 108
arbours 56
Arbutus x andrachnoides (strawberry tree) 78
Arctotis x hybrida ‘Wine’ 141
Armeria maritima (thrift, or sea pink) 162
Artemesia dracunculus (French tarragon) 95
Artemisia arborescens (wormwood) 143
arum lily 108
ash tree 27
Aster novi-belgii (michaelmas daisy) 186
Astilbe simplicifolia 175
Aubrieta 161
Auckland, New Zealand 21
Aucuba japonica ‘Variegata’ (spotted laurel) 73, 127
Australia 20
Award of Garden Merit (AGM) 113
Azalea 132
Azolla (fairy moss) 108

baby’s breath 153
baldmoney 141
bamboo 103
bamboo screens 26
bananas 103
barrenwort 146
Bay of Islands, New Zealand 14, 72
bay laurel 125
beach garden (Derek Jarman’s garden, Dungeness) 28–31
beach pine 27
beaches: public or private 19
bedding geranium 183
beech 39
Begonia 69
semperflorens (bedding begonia) 35, 153, 175
bellflower 183
bells of Ireland 153
Berberis darwinii (Darwin’s barberry) 132
Bergenia (elephant’s ears) 162
Beschorneria yuccoides 103
Bidens pilosa 90
bistort 161
bittersweet 131
black gum 123
black-eyed Susan 167
blackberries 96
blackcurrants 96
blanket flower 153
blazing star 183
block walls 24
blue fescue 141
blue flaky juniper 161
blue spiraea 134
bluebeard 134
blueberry 175
bog arum 108
Borago officinalis 90
Boston ivy 167
bottlebrush 134
Bougainvillea (paper flower) 75, 187
Bowles’ golden grass 144
box 127
Brachycome iberidifolia (swan river daisy) 157
Brachyglottis 27, 117
brassicas 99
bridal wreath 134
broad beans 98
broadleaf 125
broccoli 99
Brodnant, North Wales 76–9
Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina, USA 108
broom 132, 161
Brussels sprouts 99
Buddleja (butterfly bush) 141
davidii 117
bugle 161
bulbous plants 63
Busy Lizzie 153
butcher’s broom 175
butterfly bush 117, 141
Buxus sempervirens (box) 127

cabbage palm 147
cacti and succulents 26, 49, 73, 104–5
Calendula officinalis (pot marigold) 35, 156
Californian lilac 132, 132, 162
Californian poppy 30, 154
Calla palustris (bog arum) 108
Callistemon rugulosus (bottlebrush) 134
Calluna (heather) 117, 163
Camellia 132, 167
Campanula (bellflower) 183
rolundifolia (harebell) 130
Campsis (trumpet vine) 171
Canary Island ivy 162
Canna (Indian shot plant) 35, 185
Cape figwort 134
Cape leadwort 167
cardoon 141
Carpinus betulus (hornbeam) 125
Carpobrutus deliciosus 105
Caryopteris (bluebeard, or blue spirea) 134
x clandonensis
‘Worcester Gold’ 144
castor oil plant 146
catmint 95, 186
cauliflower 99
Ceanothus (Californian lilac) 132, 162
Celastrus orbiculatus (bittersweet) 131
Celosia plumosa (cockscomb) 154
Centaurea (knapweed, or cornflower) 185
century plant 148
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (hardy plumbago) 137
Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ (eastern redbud) 146
Chaenomeles (flowering quince) 132
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson cypress) 123, 142
Chamaemelum nobile var. discoideum 90
cherry 39, 187
cherry laurel 125
cherry pie 155
Chilean bamboo 175
Chilean potato vine 75, 168
Chinese miscanthus 184
Chinese olive 149
chives 95
Choisya ternata (Mexican orange blossom) 133
chusan palm 123
Chusquea culeou (Chilean bamboo) 175
cider gum 123
Cistus x purpurea (rock, or sun rose) 136
Clematis 75, 168
Cleome (spider flower) 157
Clianthus puniceus (lobster’s claw, or parrot’s bill) 135
climbing hydrangea 168
climbing plants 73, 166–71
climbing rose 168
coastal air 15
coastal cities 20–1
coastal ecosystems 21
coastal town gardens 73
coastal towns 16
Cobaea scandens (cup and saucer vine, or Mexican ivy) 169
cockscomb 154
cold: protection from 74, 99, 104
coleus 175
Colorado blue spruce 141
colourful plants 128–37
winter 131
spring 132–3
summer 134–6
autumn 137
common hydrangea 134
compost for containers 84, 86
coneflower 184
confederate jasmine 169
conservatories 12
containers 48, 72, 82–91
compost for 84, 86
and patios 88–91
planting 84, 86
styles 83
watering 87
Convolvulus cneorum (shrubby convolvulus) 143
coral bells 176
Cordyline australis (cabbage palm) 74, 147
Coreopsis (tickseed) 157
grandiflora 185
cornflower 185
Cornus (dogwood) 131
‘corridor’ effect 72
Cortaderia selloana (pampas grass) 119
Corylopsis (winter hazel) 179
Cosmos bipinnatus 154
Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ (smoke tree) 147
conspicuus 176
horizontalis (herringbone cotoneaster) 137, 176
cotton grass 108
Crambe maritima (seakale) 30, 143
cranesbill 162, 176
Crocosmia (montbretia) 186
cup and saucer vine 169
Cupressus macrocarpa (Monterey cypress) 27
Cynara cardunculus (cardoon) 141
Cytisis (broom) 132, 132
scoparius 35, 74

daisy bush 169
Daphne 131
day lily 35, 184
Dead Sea 32
dead-nettle 142, 162
decking 17, 54
and water features 106–7
Delosperma cooperi 105
Delphinium 184
desert gardens 104–5
design 46–57
aspect 49
‘corridor’ effect 72
formal and informal 46–7
front gardens 52, 53
height 56
size and shape 48
split levels 76–9
structures 54–5
topography 50–1
views 52
Deutzia 134
Dianthus 154
disc-leaved hebe 118
diseases of fruit 96
dogwood 131
drought-tolerant plants 62
dry-stone walls 24
duckweed 108
dunes 32
Dungeness, Kent 28–31
dwarf mountain pine 184
dwarf white-striped bamboo 126

eastern redbud 146
Echinocereus 105
Echium nervosum 90
Eden Project, Cornwall 46
Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) 108
Elaeagnus (oleaster) 35
x ebbingei 27, 124
pungens 27, 124, 149
elder 118, 144, 146
elephant’s ears 162
entertaining people 17
Epeimedium x versicoor ‘Sulphureum’ (barrenwort) 146
Eranthus hyemalis (winter aconite) 179
Erica (heather) 86, 117, 163
arborea (tree heath) 131
carnea 117, 163
Erigeron karvinskianus (Mexican daisy) 118
Eriophorum angustifolium (cotton grass) 108
erosion 19
Eryngium maritimum (sea holly) 119
Escallonia 27, 124
laevis ‘Gold Ellen’ 144
Eschscholzia californica (Californian poppy) 154
Eucalyptus gunii (cider gum) 123
Euonymus 86
fortunei 35
japonicus 27
Eupatorium 137
platiphylla 90
x martini ‘Hwlena’s Blush’ (red-leaved spurge) 147
Euryops pectinatus 142
evergreen viburnum 163
everlasting flower 154
exotic gardens 100–5

Fagus (beech) 39
fairy moss 108
false castor oil plant 148
false cyprus 123
Fatsia japonica ‘Variegata’ (variegated false castor oil plant) 74, 148
fencing 24
Festuca glauca (blue fescue) 141
feverfew 95
figs 97
firethorn 137, 169
flame nettle 175
floss flower 154
flowering currant 118
flowering mallow 135
flowering quince 132
fog 37
foliage colour 138–49
forest flame 126
forget-me-not 176
Forsythia (golden bells) 133
fountain grass 187
Fraxinus excelsior (ash) 27
French marigold 184
fruit 94, 96–7
‘John Ridding’ (variegated fuchsia) 149
magellanica (hardy fuchsia) 126
furniture 27, 36

gages 97
Gaillarda (blanket flower) 153
galvanization 36
gardeners’ garters 118
garlic 95
Garrya elliptica (silk tassel bush) 73, 131
gay feather 183
Gazania (treasure flower) 157
Genista (broom) 161
Geranium 155, 162
psilostemon 176
robertianum (herb robert) 30
germander 169
Glaucium flavum 30
golden bells 133
golden caryopteris 144
golden club 108
golden marjoram 144
golden mock orange 145
golden privet 145
golden small-leaved lonicera 145
goldheart ivy 148
gooseberries 96
gorse 116, 117
grapes 96
gravel gardens 51
greenhouses 54
Griselinia littoralis (broadleaf) 27, 125
ground cover plants 158–63
Gypsophila elegans (baby’s breath) 153

Halifax, Nova Scotia 21
Halimiocistus wintonensis 135
hanging baskets 83, 86
hardiness zones 112–13
hardy plumbago 137
harebell 130
hawkbit 30
health 15
heat 39
heather 86, 117, 163
Hebe (shrubby veronica) 137, 146, 148
ochracea ‘James Stirling’ 145
pinguifolia (disc-leaved hebe) 118
Hedera (ivy) 35, 73
canariensis (Canary Island ivy) ‘Gloire de Morengo’ 162
colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’ 170
helix ‘Oro di Bogliasco’ (goldheart ivy) 148
hedges see trees and hedging
Helianthus annuus (sunflower) 35
Helichrysum 90, 154
petiolare (trailing helichrysum) 143
Heliotropium arborescens (cherry pie) 155
Helleborus foetidus (stinking hellebore) 178
Hemerocallis (day lily) 35, 184
herb robert 30
herbs 95
herringbone cotoneaster 137
Heuchera (coral bells) 176
Heucherella 163
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (rose of China) 171
Hippophae rhamnoides (sea buckthorn) 124
Hoheria lyallii (ribbonwood) 136
holly 27, 73, 125, 125, 148, 176
homes by the sea 16–21
in foreign parts 20
insurance 19
location 18, 19, 20–1
maintenance 19
purchasing 19
rented 16
second homes 16
honesty 177
honeysuckle 169
hornbeam 125
Hosta (plantain lily) 177
Hottonia palustris (water violet) 108
houseleek 163
macrophylla (common hydrangea) 134
petiolaris (climbing hydrangea) 168
quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’ 177
Hypericum glandulosum 90

Ilex aquifolium (holly) 27, 73, 125, 148, 176
Impatiens (Busy Lizzie) 153
Indian mallow 135, 170
Indian shot plant 35, 185
insurance 19
Iris ensata (Japanese iris) 185
ivy 35, 73, 148, 170

Jacob’s ladder 149
Japanese crimson glory vine 70
Japanese iris 185
Japanese spurge 161
Jardin du Soleil 31
Jarman, Derek 28, 29, 30, 31
Jasminum nudiflorum (winter jasmine) 171
Jerusalem sage 135
Jew’s mallow 133
x pfitzeriana (golden juniper) ‘Gold Star’ 144
x squamata (blue flaky juniper) 161


kale 99
Kalkan, Turkey 72
Kerria japonica (Jew’s mallow) 133
knapweed 185
Kniphofia (red hot poker) 119, 182, 187
knotweed 161

lamb’s ears 142
Lamium (dead-nettle)
galeobdolon ‘Hermann’s Pride’ 142
orvala 162
Lampranthus 105
spectabilis 62
Lantana (shrubby verbena) 156
Lathyrus (sweet pea) 171
Laurus nobilis (sweet bay, or bay laurel) 125
laurustinus 126
Lavandula (lavender) 95, 127
x clementii ‘Rosea’ (tree mallow) 136
x maritima (sea mallow) 183
lavender 127
lavender cotton 135
lavender farms 31
lawns 46
Lawson cypress 123, 142
legumes 98
Lemna (duckweed) 108
Leptospermum (ti tree) 171
Liatris (blazing star, or gay feather) 183
lifestyles 14–17
light 39
Ligustrum (privet) 35, 124, 145
lilac 133
Liliope muscari (lilyturf) 35
lily of the valley bush 149
lilyturf 35, 163
Liriope muscari (lilyturf) 163
Lobelia 177
lobster’s claw 135
lodgepole pine 27
loganberries 96
Lonicera (honeysuckle) 169, 169
nitida (golden small-leaved lonicera) ‘Baggeson’s Gold’ 145
love-in-a-mist 155, 185
Lulworth Cove, Dorset 20
Luma apiculata ‘Glanleam Gold’ 148
Lunaria annua (honesty) 177
Lupinus 186, 186

Madeira Botanical Gardens 90
grandiflora 35, 186
stellata 133
Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon grape) 35, 177
medicinal flora (Madeira) 90
Mentha (mint) 95
metal fencing 25
Meum amathanticum (baldmoney, or spignel) 141
Mexican daisy 118
Mexican ivy 169
Mexican orange blossom 133
michaelmas daisy 186
Milium effusum (Bowles’ golden grass) 144
Miscanthus sinensis (Chinese miscanthus) 184
mist and fog 37
mock orange blossom 135
Molinia caerulea (purple moor grass) 117
Molucella laevis (bells of Ireland) 153
monkshood 177
montbretia 186
Monterey cypress 27
Monterey pine 27
moorland plants 116, 117
mountain ash 118
mullein 186
Myosotis (forget-me-not) 176
Myrtus communis (common myrtle) 127

nasturtium 155
Nepeta (catmint) 95, 186
Nerium oleander (oleander) 35, 74, 170
New Zealand flax 119, 146
Newlyn, Cornwall 22
Nicotiana sylvestris (tobacco flower) 103, 178
Nigella (love-in-a-mist) 155, 155, 185, 185
Norway maple 123
Nyssa sylvatica (black gum, or tupelo) 123

oleander 35, 74, 170
Olearia 27
x scilloniensis (daisy bush) 169
oleaster 27, 124, 149
olive trees 91
onions 98
Onopordum acanthium (silver thistle) 143
Opuntia 105
Oregon grape 35, 177
Origanum vulgare (golden marjoram) 95, 144
ornamental cabbage 99
ornamental onion 187
Orontium aquaticum (golden club) 108
Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Variegatus’ (variegated Chinese olive) 149
Osmunda regalis (royal fern) 179
Osteospermum 72, 187
Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius 170

Pachysandra terminalis (Japanese spurge) 161
pampas grass 119
paper flower 75, 187
parrot’s bill 135
henryana 167
quinquefolia (Virginia creeper) 35, 75, 167
tricuspidata (Boston ivy) 167
Passiflora caerulea (passion flower) 73, 170
passion flower 73, 170
paths 30, 46, 47, 53
patios 54
and containers 88–91
paving 48
pears 97
peas 98
Pelargonium (bedding geranium) 183
Pennisetum alopecuroides (swamp foxtail, or fountain grass) 187
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmaeus 142
pergolas 56
Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian sage) 143
Persian shield 155
Persicaria (bistort, or knotweed) 161
Petunia 156
Phalaris arundinacea (gardeners’ garters) 118
Philadelphus (mock orange blossom) 135
coronarius ‘Aureus’ (golden mock orange) 145
Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem sage) 135
Phlox drummondii 153
Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax) 119, 146
Photinia fraseri ‘Red Robin’ 147
Phygelius capensis (Cape figwort) 134
Physocarpus opulifolius (red ninebark) 147
Picea pungens (Colorado blue spruce) 141
pickerel weed 108
formosa var. forrestii (forest flame) 126
japonica ‘Carnaval’ (variegated lily of the valley bush) 149
contorta (beach pine) 27
contorta latifolia (lodgepole pine) 27
mugo (dwarf mountain pine) 184
radiata (Monterey pine) 27
Pittosporum 27
eugenoides ‘Variegatum’ 149
tenuifolium 124
plantain lily 177
planting 64–5
containers 84, 86
plants for shade 172–9
plastic baskets 83
Pleioblastus variegatus (dwarf white-striped bamboo) 126
‘Tsuboii’ 126
Plumbago auriculata (Cape leadwort) 167
plums 97
Pohutukawi tree 103
Polemonium caeruleum ‘Brise d’Anjou’ (variegated Jacob’s ladder) 149
Pondateria cordata (pickerel weed) 108
ponds see fish keeping; water features; water plants
poplar 39
poppy 180
Populus (poplar) 39
Portulaca (sun plant, or rose moss) 157
pot marigold 35, 156
privet 124
Prunus (cherry) 39, 187
laurocerasus (cherry laurel) 125
purple moor grass 117
Pyracantha (firethorn) 137, 169
‘Navaho’ 137

rainforest gardens 102–3
raised beds 76
rambling rose 168
raspberries 96
red flame creeper 73
red hot poker 119, 182, 187
red ninebark 147
red-leaved spurge 147
reeds and grasses 15
rendered walls 24
Rhododendron 178
(Azalea) mollis 132
dauricum 131
ponticum (wild rhododendron) 117
ribbonwood 136
Ribes sanguineum (flowering currant) 118
Ricinus communis (castor oil plant) 103, 146
rock gardens 51
rock rose 136
Rodgersia 178
Rosa (roses) 136
rugosa (wild hedging rose) 126
‘Sir John Mills’ 168
rose of China 171
rose moss 157
Rosemary 126
Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) 35, 126
rowan 118
Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia 69
royal fern 179
bollei 90
thibetanus (white-stemmed bramble) 119
Rudbeckia (coneflower) 184
rue 142
Rumex maderensis 90
runner beans 98
rural homes 20
Ruscus aculeatus (butcher’s broom) 175
Russian sage 143
Ruta graveolens (rue) 95, 142

sage 35
Salix (willow) 35
salt 9, 32–3
effects on structures 36
salt cedar 124
salt-tolerant plants 34–5
salty air 32, 33
officinalis (sage) 35, 95
patens 156
lanceolata 90
nigra (elder) 118, 144, 146
sand and shingle 30
sandstorms 38
sandy soil 62
Santolina (lavender cotton) 135
Sasa veitchii 178
Scilla maderensis 90
scree gardens 51
screen block walls 24
sea buckthorn 124
sea holly 119
sea mallow 183
sea pink 162
sea water 32
in soil 34
seakale 143
seaweed 94
farinosum 90
spectabile ‘Herbsfreude/Autumn Joy’ 35, 185
Sempervivum (houseleek) 163, 163
Sequoia sempervirens 78, 105
shaded areas 54
plants for 172–9
shells 94
sheltered gardens 70–5
plants for 74–5
shelters from wind 24–7, 57
‘Shinglesea’ 158
shoreline gardens 60–5
shrubby convolvulus 143
shrubby verbena 156
shrubby veronica 137, 145, 146, 148
signet marigold 156
silk tassel bush 131
silver thistle 143
Skimmia 127, 178
sloping gardens 50
small gardens 48
smoke tree 147
snapdragon 156
snowberry 137
soft fruit 96
Solanum crispum (Chilean potato vine) ‘Glasnevin’ 75, 168
Solenostemon (coleus, or flame nettle) 175
Sorbus aucuparia (mountain ash, or rowan) 118
Spanish broom 119
Spartium junceum (Spanish broom) 119
spider flower 157
spignel 141
Spiraea (bridal wreath) 134
split levels 76–9
spotted laurel 127
Stachys byzantina (lamb’s ears) 142
staking 65
steps 50
stinking hellebore 178
strawberries 96
strawberry tree 78
Strobilanthus dyerianus (Persian shield) 155
Studland, Dorset 36
subtropical gardens 66–9, 138
sun plant 157
sun rose 136
sunflower 35
sunny aspects 49, 182
sun-loving plants 180–7
suppliers 65
swamp foxtail 187
swan river daisy 157
Swedes 99
sweet bay 125
sweet pea 171
swimming pools 54, 85
sycamore 27
Symphoricarpos (snowberry) 137
Syringa (lilac) 133

patula (French marigold) ‘Disco Orange’ 184
tenuifolia (signet marigold) 156
tamarisk 124
Tamarix ramosissima (tamarisk, or salt cedar) 124
Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) 95
Tasmanian or Australian blackwood trees 26
Taxus baccata (yew) 125
terraces 79
terracotta containers 83
Teucrium (germander) 169
betonicum 90
Thompson Brookes Garden, San Francisco Bay, USA 44
thrift 162
Thunbergia alata (black-eyed Susan) 167
Thymus (thyme) 95
caespitilius 90
ti tree 171
tickseed 157
timber decking 107
timber fencing 25
tough plants 114–19
Trachelospermum jasminoides (confederate jasmine) 169
Trachycarpus fortunei (chusan palm) 123
trailing helichrysum 143
treasure flower 157
tree fruit 96–7
tree heath 131
tree mallow 136
trees and hedging 39, 120–7
formal hedges 46, 125
informal hedges 126
for large gardens 123
path edgings 127
staking 65
as windbreaks 26–7, 122, 124
trellises 75
Tresco Abbey Gardens, Scilly Isles 40–3
Trifolium squamosum 90
majus (nasturtium) 155
speciosum (red flame creeper) 73
trumpet vine 171
tupelo 123

Ulex europaeus (gorse) 116, 117

Vaccinium 175
padifolium 90
vegetables 92, 94, 98–9
verandas 27
Verbascum (mullein) 186
Verbena x hybrida 157
x bodnantense 78, 179
davidii (evergreen viburnum) 163
tinus (laurustinus) 35, 74, 126
Virginia creeper 35, 75, 167
Vitis coignetiae (Japanese crimson glory vine) 70

walkways 30, 53
walls 24, 25, 72, 73
training plants onto 75
water features 47, 51, 54, 79
and decking 106–7
water hyacinth 108
water plants 108
watering 63
containers 87
vegetables and fruit 94
wattle 123
weather 14, 15
see also mist and fog; salty air; wind
Weigela florida 133
white-stemmed bramble 119
wild hedging rose 126
wild rhododendron 117
willow 35
wind 9, 24–7, 56, 57
and salt spray 33
windbreaks 26–7, 56, 57
Windcliff Garden, Washington State, USA 114
Windcliff, Seattle, USA 172
windflower 179
window boxes 83, 86
winter aconite 179
winter hazel 179
winter jasmine 171
winter pansies 82
Wisteria 75
sinensis 171
wooden containers 83
wormwood 143

yew 125
Yucca 105
filamentosa (Adam’s needle) 74, 183

Zantedeschia aethiopica (arum lily) 108


First published 2009 by Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd, Castle Place, 166 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1XU
Text © John Bickerton and Graham Clarke 2009 © in the Work GMC Publications 2009 ISBN: 978-1-86108-636-5 All rights reserved
The right of Graham Clarke and John Bickerton to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, sections 77 and 78. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher and copyright owner. This book is sold subject to the condition that all designs are copyright and are not for commercial reproduction without the permission of the designer and copyright owner. The publishers and authors can accept no legal responsibility for any consequences arising from the application of information, advice or instructions given in this publication.

© Coastal Gardens 2001-2012